
An Afternoon Tea With Keith Farmer

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8 July, 2024

We are delighted to invite you to an afternoon tea with Dr Keith Farmer, at Blackwood Church of Christ, on Thursday July 11, from 1.30- 3pm.

Keith may well be described as a legend within Churches of Christ in Australia, both as a minister and a mentor to many church leaders. He will be in Adelaide to launch his book, Leading Like Jesus: Leadership lessons from the radical rabbi. He has co-authored the book with author and theologian, Kevin Simington. 

Keith and Kevin offer a biblical, Christ-centred and grounded theological approach to the subject of leadership based on years of practical ministry experience. This a solid and important read for those who are serious about discipleship and leadership.

Since 2005 Keith has mentored many ministers and Christian leaders from across Australia, giving him a unique insight into the many demands of ministry and the need to anchor ourselves deeply in Christ. His background in psychology, experience as a Principal of ACOM, and involvement in local church ministry gives him a unique perspective.

He sees the need for pastors to be supported holistically in their faith and leadership. His passionate goal is to see the Kingdom of God enhanced through leaders engaging in effective and sustainable discipleship in Christ.

Click link below to register your FREE attendance.

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Movement and Identity Resource

Dr. Mark Riessen, Mission & Ministry Director, has released ‘Movement and Identity: Participating in the life of God’s mission’, a new resource aimed at fostering unity and mission within Churches of Christ congregations in Australia. Comprising two parts—a leader guide and a participant guide—this resource is intended for leaders and small groups within Churches of Christ or anyone who wishes to learn more about the movement. The six studies contained within these workbooks will stimulate quality conversations and engage participants in missional practices aligned with the restoration mission of God.

Mark emphasizes that this resource transcends intellectual understanding; it is designed to engage hearts and hands as well. Mission is not confined to others or distant locations; rather, it is a collective effort to restore the world through active participation in the establishment of His kingdom here today. All Jesus followers are invited to partake in this endeavour. Churches of Christ, characterized by a liberating DNA, are well-suited for agile and creative participation in this mission.

Mark's aspiration for the resource is twofold: to inspire open dialogues that address agreements and disagreements within Churches of Christ communities and to enable diverse yet united missional initiatives. Ultimately, ‘Movement and Identity’ seeks to facilitate transformation by fostering understanding, unity, and active participation in God's ongoing work of restoration.

Published by ACOM Press, the resource is available for purchase on their website.


Firmly Anchoring Our Faith

“Therefore, we must pay closer attention to the things we have heard, lest we drift away." (Hebrews 2:1, NKJV)

Growing up, our family cherished our annual beach vacations. The children adored surfing, yet many beaches with good surf also had strong currents. Warning signs were typically posted to caution us. On one occasion, I carelessly disregarded these warnings and found myself in trouble drifting away with the current. Thankfully, more experienced surfers came to my rescue.

In a world that constantly pulls us in various directions, the passage urges us to give "earnest heed" to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the wisdom found in God's Word. It calls for active and focused attention. Furthermore, the scripture serves as a warning against the perils of drifting away. The pressures of the world, the allure of sin, and the distractions of everyday life can subtly lead us astray if we are not watchful. Consequently, we must safeguard our hearts and minds, remaining rooted in God's Word and seeking His guidance daily.

So, how can we give earnest heed and avoid drifting away? Firstly, we can cultivate a consistent devotional life by setting aside dedicated time each day to read, meditate upon, and pray over God's Word.

Secondly, engaging in regular fellowship by surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who can support and challenge us in our faith is essential. Attending worship services, Bible studies, and prayer meetings strengthens our spiritual foundation.

Thirdly, embracing accountability plays a significant role. Finding a trusted mentor or spiritual advisor who can walk alongside us, providing guidance and holding us accountable in our journey of faith, is invaluable.

Lastly, we must seek the leading of the Holy Spirit by inviting Him to guide our thoughts, decisions, and actions. Relying on His power and wisdom enables us to navigate the challenges and temptations that come our way.

May God bless you abundantly as you earnestly heed His Word and live out your faith with unwavering conviction.

In Christ's love,

Carl Haasbroek



Elizabeth’s Meaningful Role in Employment Assistance

Millions of people in the world today are without work or underemployed. Without meaningful work, there is a loss of purpose and dignity. This creates a vicious cycle of poverty—economically, spiritually, and emotionally. So, what if we flipped things and equipped churches to start helping their community find meaningful work? What if we started lending a hand instead of just a handout? What if there was a way to help people find meaningful employment with the church’s investment of money and resources?

Jobs for Life was developed in the US and is a fantastic Bible based programme that helps get people back into meaningful employment whilst discipling people in how the Gospel can give them hope and purpose for their lives. It also helps them develop life skills such as working in a team, overcoming roadblocks, dealing with conflict, and developing goals. As they attend, individuals discover their gifts and passions and prepare a plan to achieve their career and life goals.

Elizabeth is the first place in Australia to run this course. We have developed connections with a number of Christian business people and several employment agencies. These people speak to the group about expectations in the workplace, help them with resumes and interviews, and guide them into courses that will enable them to be qualified for work.

It is a 16 week course and this is the second year Elizabeth Church of Christ has run this course.

Andrews Farm Community Church has joined with us in running the programme. We currently have 10 students, most of whom have been long-term unemployed. We have a team of 14 people made up of 6 teachers and 8 mentors. The programme is led by Mark Zerna and Anne Carr. In the future we hope to run the programme in our Community Centre in Elizabeth South and later in the Men’s and Women’s prisons.
